Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Aubrie's First Day of School!

Aubrie's first day of school is today! She is 4 1/2, and we didn't start her in K4 in the fall because I just wasn't ready for her to go! I knew that after Christmas she would be ready to go for the remainder of the year. She only goes 3 days a week, so it doesn't feel like she is officially in school yet. I still get to have her home with me 2 days of the week. She was so excited about going to school. Aubrie is a social butterfly, and she really needs to be around kids her age. I know that she will LOVE it, and I am excited for her to come home today and tell me all about it. Here are some pictures of her this morning.

Eating breakfast before school.

Aubrie and her new HUGE backpack. She loves it because it is pink.
All ready to go!

Aubrie with her sweet teacher, Mrs. Brunton.

Aubrie's cubby with her things.
Her spot at the table.

Bye mom and dad! I am going to do great!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Time!

It's that time of year again! I love it, but we are always so busy and on the go all of the time. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to lately.

Our Christmas Tree

Aubrie and Kirk

Kirk and Aubrie in their Christmas outfits.

Me and Beau before a Christmas party.
All of the girls at the party. So fun!
This at Silver Dollar City. This is our special bench we have our picture taken on every year.

Me and my girl at the Nutcracker ballet.
Aubrie and Mimi at the Nutcracker. Thanks Mimi, we had so much fun!
The kids and their gingerbread girl and boy.

We have had fun so far. The best is yet to come!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Boot Scootin and Birthday Fun!

Friday night, the young adults from our church had a Barn Bash. It was so much fun. We ate BBQ, rode a mechanical bull, square danced and did some line dancing too.

Me and Beau before the Barn Bash

Me riding the bull. I didn't stay on very long.

Beau stayed on for a while.

Still hanging on!

The next day was my mom's birthday.

We all went out to lunch for her birthday.

Mom's birthday dessert.

She had plenty of help eating it!

Happy Birthday Mom! We had so much fun celebrating you! Love you so much!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Fun

We had such a busy, but fun weekend. We went to Branson to visit Beau's parents and have some fun. Friday night, my family and Beau's family went to see the new show at the Sight and Sound Theater. It was called the Miracle of Christmas, and it was so good. Aubrie got to go, but Kirk didn't. He stayed with Nana. (Thank you Nana for watching Kirk for us! Love you!) Aubrie loved the show. She does have a hard time sitting still, but she managed to be somewhat still and watch the show. She said her favorite part of the show was when the angels came out and when Mary had baby Jesus. I think Aubrie learned a lot about the Christmas story and what Christmas is really about. Here are some pictures of us while at the show. Of course, I couldn't take pictures of the actual show, but here is what I was able to take.

Me, Aubrie, and Beau

The theater

Mimi and Aubrie
Me and Aubrie

Aubrie sitting on the stage before the show

The next day we went to Silver Dollar City. It was the most perfect day. The weather the beautiful and we had so much fun. Aubrie rode all of her favorite rides, and Kirk rode his very first ride ever! He rode the frogs, and he didn't love it or hate it. It was still cute to watch him bouncing along. What he enjoyed the most, though, was pushing his stroller all around. Of course I took some pictures in front of the fall decorations. Kirk isn't in any of them because he wasn't there yet. He came later with Nana and Papa after he woke up from his nap.

Aubrie with Kirk on his first ride ever!
The kids with mommy.

Beau and Kirk
Kirk pushing his stroller.

Saturday night, we took Aubrie to a fall carnival at a church in the Branson area. She didn't go trick or treating, but got to jump on blow up things, slide down slides and play games to get candy. She had so much fun, and ran around like a crazy person the whole night. She just wore herself out, but had so much fun doing it. We didn't go all out on her costume. I wanted her to wear something that would be easy for her to play in and not something that would get in her way. She didn't mind at all.

Look closely at Aubrie's face as she is being pulled back. So funny!

Getting her face painted. Of course she chose a Hog!

Being silly!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch Kids

What a fun day we had. I love taking pictures of my kids, and what better place to do that than the pumpkin patch. They both loved it so much, I had so much fun watching them enjoy. Aubrie has been going to a pumpkin patch for a few years now. This was Kirk's second year to go, but his first year to LOVE it. Last year he was just a little guy. I had to sit him in his Bumbo seat and put pumpkins around him to take his picture. This year, he was ALL over the place. All I did was chase him around calling his name over and over again trying to get his attention so that I could get a good picture of his face. Rarely did he look right into the camera. Thankfully, Aubrie always loves getting her picture taken so I was able to get great shots of her. The kids not only got to look at hundreds of pumpkins, but they also got to see chickens and go on a hay ride. I can't wait to go back next year and do it all over again.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sweet things

This is my 5th year to be a member of a MOPS group. I LOVE MOPS and have enjoyed leading crafts for the two different groups that I have been a part of. My favorite craft of all time are these key chains. I found this idea a few years ago, and did it with my group. It was so much fun that I had to share it with my new group too. Today I went to MOPS and we did this craft. I just think that they are so cute, and they make finding your keys in the bottom of your purse so much easier.
Another craft that I love are these magnets. They are stylish and you can make them to match your kitchen and the decor in it. So fun and so easy too!

Cute button magnets

My craft table at MOPS
I know you must be thinking that this is Aubrie playing dress up....well it isn't.

Kirk loves to wear shoes. Any kind of shoes. Today, he wanted to wear Aubrie's princess shoes.

He needed some help putting them on.

He got REALLY mad when they fell off.

I think these pictures will come in handy one day! :)

What could be sweeter than this?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Family Pictures

So, we had some family pictures taken. I have to say that it wasn't the easiest thing we have done lately. Aubrie is 4 now, so she handled it pretty well. I just had to keep reminding her to look at the camera the whole time. Since we did the pictures outside at a public location, there were distractions that kept her interest sometimes more than the task at hand. Kirk, on the other hand, didn't cooperate as well. He saw this as an opportunity to get down, and explore this new territory. He didn't want to sit still, or stand still, or be still at all. All of the pictures were taken between his fits and crying. The poor photographer had to literally run around just to take his picture. It was like a race. He won. We did get several good shots, and overall it was a fun experience. Here are a few pictures from the shoot.

Thank you Blaire for taking the time to capture our family!